Back in the olden days, even before the steam-powered locomputer, all the real heroes were explorers who blazed trails and sent their ships over the far horizon (and didn't fall off), then came back with spices and postcards and mugs that said, "My friend visited the New World, and All I Got Was This Mug!" GEnie has pretty well been explored and settled by now, but there are probably a great many places that you haven't seen. So, this month, let's spend some time talking about exploring and navigating GEnie. Keywords One of the most popular questions we handle in GENIEus, the GEnie Users' RoundTable, always starts out with, "Hey, how do I get to...?" Sometimes folks have actually been there at least once, but have forgotten where they saw a particular Bulletin Board discussion, Library file or menu item. They're often surprised to find that simply typing a keyword will whisk them past all of the many levels of menus to the main door of a RoundTable or product. But it's usually just that simple. Try it sometime when you're online. If you want to visit the Amiga area, you don't HAVE to know its GEnie page number. You don't have to descend through several levels of menus from Page 1 to the Computing section and so on. You can just type the keyword AMIGA. To make this process even easier, GEnie is adding the capability of associating multiple names or (key)words with various RoundTables and online products. So, even if you don't pick "the" word associated with a RoundTable, you have a much better chance of picking "a" word associated with it. For example, you can reach the Macintosh RoundTable by typing either the keyword MAC or the keyword POWERBOOK at any GEnie prompt. Still, not every word you might associate with a place is going to work. While FABIO may be what you think of when it comes to Romance novels, it may not be designated as keyword for online navigation just yet. Try ROMANCE, GOTHIC or PUBLISH and see what happens. Move Using Page Numbers Now, if you DO know what GEnie Page number something is on, you're even better off. GEnie has standardized most of the menus for RoundTables. Menu item 1 is always the Bulletin Board. Menu item 2 gets you into the Real-Time Conference area, and menu item 3 takes you into the Library. From there you're on your own. Chat Lines is set up a little differently, but if someone says, "They're talking about it in the Auto RoundTable's Bulletin Board," and you know that the Auto RoundTable is on GEnie Page 755, you can type M755;1 (the M stands for Move) and not only be taken to the Auto RoundTable, as you would if you'd typed its keyword, but straight into its Bulletin Board (menu item 1) by typing that single command. Type M440;3 and you'll find yourself in the WRITERS RoundTable Library the same way. You don't HAVE to know GEnie Page numbers in order to get around on GEnie, but if you do, it can save you a lot of time (and money) instead of ever-nested menu items. Everything on GEnie appears on a menu, someplace, but you don't have to stick to menus if you know where you want to go. Slash Commands These commands should get you from wherever you are, to wherever you need to be without any trouble. The only exceptions to that are gateway menus, such as OAG or Dow Jones, and when you're moving from within a Real-Time Conference area or Chat Lines. Remember that all commands in Conferences and Chat Lines start with a slash, first, as a means of indicating to GEnie that what you're typing is in fact a command, and not text. That is, if Larry is leaving the Conference and you type BYE, then Larry will think you're bidding him goodbye. If, however, you type the slash command /BYE then GEnie will close out that online session for you, and take you offline. Just as with the early settlers, you may find that exploring GEnie is easier, safer and more comfortable at first if you stick to the trails that are provided -- the menus. But don't be afraid to strike out on your own from time to time, too. There's a whole world out there on GEnie just waiting for you to explore. And I'm sure your friends would like one of those mugs!